Thursday 12 February 2015

How to Love Yourself Unconditionally

Love yourself based on the pure fact that you are a human being.

Many people choose to take the approach of thinking about all of their great qualities and loving themselves for those qualities. While this seems like a great idea, I prefer to take a different approach. I say love yourself just for being a human being and don't try to define who you are. Reason being because we are constantly changing. Yes most of us do maintain an individualised essence throughout our lives, but we may not know exactly what that essence is. We may think that there's some aspect of our personalities that will never ever change. But if drastic changes occur in our lives e.g. moving to a foreign country, making new friends or going though tough times. A big change in your life style or your attitude could alter the aspects of your personality that you previously thought were 'unchangeable.' In life we are meant to change and grow therefore it is better that your sense of identity is not reliant on staying the same.  

If you love yourself based on a list of qualities that 'define YOU' then you are limiting yourself by clinging onto those qualities that you call you. If you can love yourself without defining yourself then you are giving yourself the confidence and the space to grow with out 'freaking out' at some point and saying 'who am I?' 'This is totally not me!'

There is no need to try and define you because YOU already are.

By deciding to no longer define yourself, you are letting go of  what you perceive as your bad qualities and your good qualities.
This means that you can stop using your flaws as excuses for what you can and can't do ! This will give you a chance to discover new likes and hobbies plus get rid of bad habits. A chance to reinvent yourself.  

It is like the ultimate form of freedom because your evolving wants and aspirations will no longer jeopardise your sense of self. You will be whoever you want to be, whenever you want to be. You can decide what 'you' want to do in your life without assuming that you have to specify based on either what you have or what you lack. You can make decisions based on the Most Loving Action For Yourself rather than what you 'think' you would want.

Every time you look in the mirror say to yourself " I love myself " don't waste time picking apart your physical appearance because it really doesn't matter. However feel free to groom yourself  which ever way you like. Remember how you look is only for you, because you are the only person who you should want to impress.  


Don't feel like you need to compete with anyone. You should only try to go beyond your own personal best. That's the only even playing field.

Treat yourself like a friend that you would like you get to know better, rather than an avatar that you have to strictly model and define. Who knows? You may even surprise yourself. :)


  1. Hi Emma!! I love your blog!!It made me smile really big. HUGE love to you!!! I made a video thanking everyone who commented and supported my blog, including you ;) Hope you feel the love!!

    1. Aww thank you :).Loved your video. Left a comment for you aswell.x
