Sunday 1 February 2015

Truly Being Yourself And Feeling Your Emotions

Many of us hide our emotions. We hide away the parts of us that we think other people won’t like. You may feel strongly towards a certain situation or cause but you are afraid to express how you feel because other people may not understand you. Emotions get a bad rep as these feelings that need to be gotten rid of and hidden away. We think emotions are there to hold us back, when really fear is the only one that can and even fear serves its own purpose. Emotions aren’t the enemy they are a part of you and help to guide you through life. You should always consider your emotions with the upmost importance.

Your emotions always communicate something to you. Ignoring them is like ignoring a crying baby. This could make you feel worse.

Does this mean that you should go around pouring out your feelings to everyone you meet?
No. But you should avoid lying about or trying to hide who you are because in doing so you are devaluing yourself. You are basically saying that your true self isn’t good enough to share with others. If they don’t like you then that’s on them. There are so many different types of people in the world that only a select few people will be able to form a deep bond with you anyway. This is true for everyone, because of the amount of energy a deep bond takes. If you change yourself to suit the majority, it will only hurt you in the long run. Besides the feeling of true friendship is a wonderful feeling.

Of course you are going to change throughout your life, barely anyone has a personality that is 100 percent set in stone. This is brilliant because you need to be flexible in order to adapt to changes throughout your life. This is also another reason why your emotions should not be over looked is because at each moment in time your feelings are probably the most accurate and authentic reflection of who you are as a person !


'Oh' you must be thinking 'so even when I am feeling sad, and I’m down on myself then that is who I am as a person?'
Well my answer to that question is yes. Even at your lowest points that’s you and you should accept it. Everyone has those feelings and aspects of themselves that they feel are less favourable. But why should you tell yourself how to feel. You should love yourself regardless. You should justify how you are feeling, then seek peace and from there you shall find a solution. Don’t force yourself to feel the opposite of how you are feeling because when you do you are devaluing yourself because you are abandoning yourself.

How would you feel if you were very upset about something and sought your closest friend for advice or comfort and they told you to ‘just be happy’? They haven’t even tried to understand you !
Now imagine 'what are you doing when you say that to yourself ?' ‘Shut up and just be happy, act like everything’s fine'. You are ‘devaluing yourself’. Do you know what is more important than convincing yourself you are a happy person? Inner Peace. A mind at war with its self can never truly be happy. 

I could definitely relate to Unikitty (from The Lego Movie) she feels she has a reputation to uphold of always being happy. However the viewer knows this is impractical and when she finally lets go at the end of the movie you are like Wow she's awesome!  
I used to do this to myself all the time, it was something I learnt from a young age and got worse as I became older, claiming I was 'just being positive'. Many people do this. But by doing this you are not loving yourself unconditionally. You are loving yourself based on the condition that you are only feeling half the spectrum of emotions. When you try and force yourself out of feeling the lower half you are basically abandoning yourself.

(This is a page from the Power By Rhonda Byrne)
Many of us make the mistake of disregarding our negative emotions because we don't like the way they feel. However they are just as important, if not more important than the positive ones. 

You really should value your negative emotions because these are the emotions that:

1) Inspire change
2) Help you to understand, connect and empathise with others.
3) Are the reason that you know what happiness feels like. 

If everyone was perfectly happy just the way they were, no one would do anything. Life would have no meaning.

When I feel like I have been judged by someone I just tell myself ‘they don’t know me, they don’t know my story and they don’t know who I am’.
You can’t honestly say you would be any different, if you haven’t lived that person’s life. That’s it!

Love yourself and be you. That’s all you can do and all you are meant to do. :)


This is a song I feel perfectly relates to this Topic...
Fear of tomorrow by Aloha From Hell :

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